Viewing all posts for Inspiration
“Meaning is not only about transcending the self, but also about transcending the present moment — which is perhaps the most important finding of the study, according to the researchers. While happiness is an emotion felt in the here and now, it ultimately fades away, just as all emotions do; positive affect and feelings of pleasure are fleeting. The amount of time people report feeling good or bad correlates with happiness but not at all with meaning.”
— via The Atlantic
The weather here for the past couple days have been really gloomy, rainy, and cloudy. Also, it doesn’t help that it’s already the last week of February! I’m hoping by Friday the sun will come out, but until then here’s my mid-week weekly findings.
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Get good at discomfort. Avoiding discomfort is very common, but a big mistake. Learning to be OK with some discomfort will change your life.
Leo Babauta via Advice to My Kids
I found this blog post through Tina aka Swiss Miss and I think his words are simple yet powerful and brings us back to what really matters in our lives. I’ve been in a lot of uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and nerve-wracking situations over the last half year, but they’ve helped me realize how capable I am of overcoming anything that comes my way, and I believe that’s true for everyone. I think it’s so important for everyone to feel empowered and not feel stuck somewhere because they feel they can’t overcome something. There will always be the bad with the good and we don’t always have to see it as ‘bad’, but more of a learning experience. I’m slowly trying to train myself not to beat myself up over little setbacks, but learn from them and move forward. “Take a larger perspective: will this matter in five years? Most likely the answer is no.”
The thing I like the most about freelancing is getting my errands done before the afternoon rush. My typical morning errands are usually going to the post office to ship Etsy orders and going to the bank to deposit checks, and if I need to pick up food or misc things for the house I’ll do that too. This month has been a hectic mess for me, so having this morning free was super nice and it was sunny today too! I love that the weather after “Nemo” has been nothing but sun and not too cold, even though I haven’t really had the chance to be outside much.
Also, Happy Valentines Day! I’m seeing a lot of hearts overload, but these made me smile:
I’ve been neglecting this blog even more as this month progresses. Out of nowhere really I just got swamped with projects and clients. It’s funny how you can go through lulls in the week (or month) and then all in one day everything comes pouring in from all different directions! I’ve been working 11 hour days (which may not seem like a lot of hours for some people, but since freelancing it’s my first taste of it) and it’s both tiring and exciting. At night my brain feels like mush but my body feels awake and that’s probably because I’ve just been sitting at my desk all day, so it’s hard for me to fall asleep at a decent time lately.
I’ve been forcing myself to write lists of things I need to take care of, whether that be sending designs to the client or a long list of changes for a site I’m developing, I think it’s a good feeling to cross things off a list. Usually I’ll run things I need to do in my head and get through them project by project, but I realize it gives me a good sense of accomplishment and order. When it’s all in my head it puts more stress on me with all the things I need to remember and reference back to in emails, but if I just took the time to write things I need to get done down on a list as I got them it would relieve my worry a bit. I’m going to start to use TeuxDeux again and hopefully this time I won’t neglect it.
Last night I finally got around to watching this Creative Mornings with Ping Fu and I just ate up everything she talked about. It’s amazing what she’s gone through and her words in the end are so powerful and something I’ll always remember whenever I feel like something’s missing in my life.
“Pleasure, flow, and meaning…If I’m not happy…I can ask…which part is missing?”
— Ping Fu