Making more space.
January 9, 2013
I spent this week organizing, de-cluttering, and moving things around in my room. I’ve been wanting to make an inspiration board, open up the space around and on my table, and just organizing and cleaning things up on my shelves. It’s kind of crazy how the littlest things around you can affect you. I also think adding trinkets – a photo, a cute figurine, a candle, a toy, something personal – can help make your desk more fun when you’re doing work.
Here are some helpful sites I found that really helped jumpstart my inspiration:
Sarah Wandering
Great images for home decor, interiors, and DIY tips. She even posts things she changes/adds to her own home, which is so personal and inviting.
Design*Sponge – Before + After
You can always count on Design*Sponge for anything home and design related, but the Before + After series they have on there is really great to look at to get lots of new ideas or revamping things you already own.
IHeart Organizing
Everyone needs some organization in their lives, especially if you have your own office it’s hard to just function when everything is out of order!
I never took to using Pinterest…until it came to finding inspiration for home decor, organization ideas, pretty much anything you need to get yourself excited about revamping your space, even if it’s just your desk or shelf! I even pinned a few of my favorites onto a board as well to keep track and to reference back to in the future.